2011 Decembre – Profesional Price of Festival DocEnCourts, Lyon, France.
Decembre - Festival of Different and Experimental Cinemas, Paris.
November - EntreVues Belfort, Internationale Short films Compétition, France.
June - Projection continue 1998-2011, collective projection, Jeu de Paume' Museum.
April - Visions du Réel Nyon, Internationale Short films Compétition, Switzerland.
2010 June - Ciné-Fémis, projection, curator : Joséphine Moularque and Elodie Tamayo, Paris.
May - Projection Flare # 13, curateur Nora Martirosyan, Montpellier, France
2009 June - video' festival, Carré d'art de Nîmes, France, curator Clarisse Hahn.
May - Leica festival, Londres.
2009-2010 Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs of Paris, France
(ENSAD) Photo/Video Department, graduated with "Congratulations" by the jury.
2008-2009 ERASMUS exchange at Marmara University Film School of Istanbul (Turkey)
2002-2006 Graduated From the Rueil-Malmaison's fine Art school (France)
2002 Scientific French High School Diploma, lycée Saint Rémi, Charleville-Mézières (France)
2011 Films Director for French Design Institut
Film Director for the French musician Serge Bulot, le musicien voyageur.
Video Conceptor on a Contemporary drama Creation of Adrien Lamande : Le petit
théâtre des enfers1-666 (Kathy Acker and Edouard Limonov).
Free lance cameraman and editor.
2010 Co-op Images on the film Mer Lyrosophe, sur les traces de Jean Epstein James
Editor in the GRAND ATELIER Brest festival 2010.
2009 Teatcher in the French Pierre Loti's School (Istanbul)
Co-op of Charlotte Charbonnel for her Video 48°34’ à 18°in Nuit Blanche Paris
Summer Internship cameraman assistant : Aljazeera English Istanbul...
2005-2006 Cultural mediator in the gallery of Villa des Tourelles (Nanterre-France)
2011 - Dimanche, Hunting documentary film (Work in progress)
2010 - ADAK, 23' DV. Documentary about sacrifice in Istanbul (Turkey)
projected in the Parisian Museum : Jeu de Paume
Selected in International Short-Competition Visions du Réel 2011(Switzerland)
2008 - Carpet Argument 12' DV. Documentary selected at Carré d'art de Nîmes, French Video
Festival, chaired by Clarisse Hahn.
Finalist at Leica festival, London, for Kiki (2' DV)
Claude Rutault, 3' DV. Documentary